Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Weekend

So this Halloween Kael and I dressed up but Whitney didn't. Whitney has been sick all weekend so she didn't dress up. She wanted to dress up but she didn't have everything she wanted for her costume and we didn't have a lot of money. I dressed up because for my work the grandprize gets 1500 dollars so I figured it was worth the try. I won honerable mention and won $50 which pretty much ended up paying for the cost of that costume. Which sucks so basically I just lost precious sleep hours because I am a last minute type of guy. I already posted pics of me so I will just post pics of Kael. Sunday was also a VERY IMPORTANT day for our family because it is when I blessed Kael. Since Whitney was sick I let her sleep and got up with Kael Saturday night. We went to bed at like 11:30 and Kael slept until 7. He always sleeps so good for his dad. I didn't really sleep that day because I was pretty nervous to give Kael a blessing. His blessing turned out good, but I forgot a lot of stuff I wanted to say because I was nervous. Anyway It was a good weekend and I am greatful for the blessings I have in my life. Now here are some pics from Halloween.Kael was such a good little turtle when he had his binkee in, but when that thing was out he would try and get his hat off he hated his hat.Kael as a turtle for Halloween. He hated his turtle hat. The only way he would keep it on is if we gave him his Binkee. This is a pic where the binkee just fell out and he is still trying to suck it.Here is Kael again just being a good little boy. He looks freakin sweet in his turtle costume.Kael was a lot Happier when he didn't have his costume on. He is just relaxing here on the couch.Just another pic of Kael relaxing.

Here is Kael in his Blessing outfit. He was so cute in his white outfit. We are taking more pictures but we have to get his outfit cleaned because he kind of messed it up so we will post them when we get them.


JeSs said...

Kael looks adorable in his halloween and blessing outfit. Congrats! Hope whitney is feeling better too! email is


so cute hahahah I love it!! He's looking more and more like an osborne i think.... can't wait to see him

Tara said...

it was so good seeing you guys this weekend! lets do it more often!

Heidi said...

He's way cute. It's good to see you're doing well. P.S. your costume was freakin sweet.