Monday, August 24, 2009

Kael's One Year Pictures

For Kael's one year pictures we just went to Kiddie Kandids. They turned out really good.Here Kael is just standing up on a ladder. He is close to walking. He can stand all by himself. He walks all around the house holding his lion toy.Here he is with some blocks. His favorite word right now is ball. He knows what a ball is and he loves all balls. We always get him a big bouncee ball every time we go to Old Navy from the quarter machine.
Here he is just smiling while he is on his stomach.
He has such a cute smile. He is usually really good for pics for about 15 minutes and then he doesn't want to be there anymore.
What a cute little boy.

This is my favorite pic. He looks so old here. He is growing up so fast. I am so happy to be Kael's dad. He makes me laugh all the time.



sooo cute!! now you need to post pics from his party!!! He is darling Jeff and Whit! love him to pieces

Jaden and Stacy said...

Those pictures are so cute! He is getting so big. We really need to do something. It's sad that we live so so close and never get together. I can say we need to but the real test is actually doing it. LOL!

becky and lance said...